The Order of Christian Funerals is the rite for the celebration of birth into Eternal Life. The Order consists of the Vigil, the Eucharist, and the Committal. Families are invited to work with one of the priests to determine the fitting celebration that best meets their needs.
Contact Kim Timmermann in the parish office for help in setting up a Memorial Service or Funeral.
The death of a loved one pierces our heart and leaves us profoundly wounded. Grief is our God-given ability to process our loss. Our task is to stay with our grief for as long as necessary; but we don't have to do it alone.
Beginning October 20, 2022, St. Pius X will offer a Grief Support Group.
Thursday's 4:00 - 5:30 pm
The group will be facilitatee by Adulfo Quezada, a retired counselor, and Judy Quezada. Both facilitators have extensive experience in the field of bereavement.
Those interested in participating in the supoprt group are asked to call the parish office.
Parish office: 520-885-3573
Masses for special intentions, healing and deceased loved ones can be scheduled Monday thru Friday at the 8:30 morning Mass (excluding Holy Days and the month of November). To schedule a Mass, please call, email or visit the Parish Office.