Welcome to our Parish Website to discover more about St. Pius Catholic Church here in Tucson, AZ.; yet, I invite you to come and visit our Parish Church for one of the weekend Masses to have a firsthand experience of our parisioners and Mass celebrations. You will find our Parish Community to be welcoming and our Masses to be inspiring.
Just a little about myself, I am a Franciscan Friar and have been present here at St. Pius since October, 2021, and it is a priviledge to be the Pastor of St. Pius X and the affirmation, support and guidance offered to me by a wonderful staff and Parish.
I am from Cincinnati, OH. and have been a Franciscan Friar since 1984 and ordained in 1990. My first 12 years after ordination, I taught morality and was Student Activity Director of Roger Bacon High School in Cincinnati, OH. Since then, I have been a campus minister, pastor and a missionary to Pakistan, among other places. It has been wonderful with the grace and direction of the Lord and inspiration of the Holy Spirit life I have chosen to live by the grace of God.
With this said, my door is always open for conversation, whatever it maybe, and a friendly face to listen to your cares, concerns, life or just getting to know one another. Yet, always know you are welcomed here and loved by our Lord yesterday, today and forever.
St. Pius X is a vibrant and affirming community on the Eastside of Tucson, Arizona. We journey together to seek God's love through our Catholic Faith. We are a community of about 2,000 registered families and we strive to minister to, for, and with, people of all ages.
Coming Soon!
We are God's people, knowing that we all share the same journey toward wholeness; we are one in Christ. Join hands with our Pastor to bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ.
Mission Statement of the Church of Saint Pius X
We believe the Church is a community of Christian people, proclaiming the Word of God, worshiping the Lord together, and responding to the human needs. Respecting the tradition and heritage of the Catholic Church; with the help of the Spirit:
In 2005, St. Pius X incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit Arizona corporation. Our Board of Directors consists of Rev. Dennis Bosse, OFM (Administrator), Richard Tritchel and John Green (parish lay members), Most Rev. Edward Weisenburger (Bishop) and Rev. John Arnold (Moderator of the Curia).
The Pastoral Parish Council, Finance Committee, and parish staff are advisory in nature to the pastor. The Board of Directors is the decision making body of the parish corporation for fiscal and civil matters.
The Board of Directors meets twice a year with representatives from the Pastoral Council and Finance Committee to review the Parish Annual Financial Report and the Budget for the next fiscal year.
The Pastoral Parish Council of St. Pius X strives to be representative of our community and provides leadership in carrying on the mission of the Church to bring the Gospel to all. As a consultative body to the Pastor, the Council will estabilsh a mutual accountability for the implementation of the goals of the Parish with the Pastor, as well as with our fellow parishioners and God.
The Council strives to always be in communication. Those appointed will work to strengthen relationships among the Council, Staff, Committees, and all parishioners. Council members will encourage and implement a vision to meet the present and future needs of the Pius X Parish with an awareness of the goals of the Diocese of Tucson. The Council encourages prayer, discernment, and reflection as part of all gatherings.
The Pastoral Parish Council meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00pm in the Adult Ministry Center. All meetings are announced in advance in the parish bulletin. All parishioners are welcome and invited to attend these meetings.
Elections will be held in May 2023 for new representatives.
The Finance, Building and Maintenance Committee supervises and executes all parish financial policies and administers all funds of the parish.
It is charged with budgetary planning, parish bookkeeping, development of monthly financial statements, and one annual financial statement (which is printed and provided to the members of the parish at the close of each fiscal year in October). It may request a financial audit be conducted at least once each year and report the results of such audit to the Pastoral Parish Council.
The Committee supervises all fund-raising and establishes fundraising guidelines as needed.
This group is also concerned with planning, construction, maintenance and use of the physical facilities of the parish, including all buildings and grounds. They make recommendations to the Pastor concerning the employment of architects and contractors, the methods of their selection, and the types of physical facilities feasible and necessary within the budgetary limitations of the parish.
The Finance Committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm in the Kino Room. All meetings are announced in advance in the parish bulletin. All parishioners are welcome and invited to attend these meetings.